
CryptoServer User's Guide

Sun Java and Linux

These instructions are suitable for and have been tested with Sun's Java and Linux, specifically Debian. They should work equally well with any other standard Java implementation and any version of Linux and most of UNIX.

Download the Tarball

The distribution is available at Sourceforge, on the XLattice project page or simply by clicking here. ||

Unzip It

If, for example, you intend to put your xlattice directory below abc , you would

mv cryptoserver-0.0.9.zip abc
unzip cryptoserver-0.0.9.zip

This creates xlattice and a number of subdirectories.

Make Things Executable

cd xlattice/cryptoserver
chmod u+x *.sh

Put a Web Site in the Expected Place

The server expects to find configuration files in the xlattice subdirectory and content files for Web sites in named subdirectories of the sites subdirectory. In our example, this gives you a directory structure like this

        ... etc ...
          ... files and subdirectories ...
          ... files and subdirectories ...
        ... configuration files ...

The various jars used by the Cryptoserver are organized under xlattice/lib by vendor name. All are open source. Licenses are included in the same subdirectories as the jars.

If the URL for your Web site were for example http://www.siteA.com, then you would need to put the files for your Web site below www.siteA.com. The home page, for example, should be at www.siteA.com/index.html.

This week's CryptoServer should be able to handle more than one Web site but this functionality has not been thoroughly tested.

Run the Server

Just type

./cryptoserver.sh -n www.siteA.com -p 8080

The name after -n is the Web site name. The number after -p is the port number. This defaults to 80, but if you run the server at this or any other port less than 1024, it must be run as root.

Logs are found in the directory you execute the above command from. There are three

  • access.log, which logs every hit
  • error.log, which records misses and other faults
  • debug.log, which babbles at some length

The last log is of little value to anyone but developers.

If the log files grow too large they can be renamed and then trimmed, compressed, or deleted. The server will create a new file when it next uses the log. It is probably best to pause shortly after renaming.

Seeing Your Stuff

If your server is for example myserver.abc.com and on port 80, the default, then you would browse to


The CryptoServer will continue to serve pages until you kill it.