

Further information on the components described below can be found by selecting from the menu to the left. Sourcecode and API links are to the Java implemtation; the C++ code is handled separately.

Already Released or About To Be Released

XLattice currently has five separately-released Java components:

  • util-0.3.7
  • corexml-0.3.3
  • crypto-0.1.0
  • transport-0.1.1
  • protocol-0.1.6
  • node-0.1.0

In each case the next decimal version is available in CVS. So for example util-0.3.8 is currently in CVS at Sourceforge.

The releases can be downloaded by clicking on the other downloads button in the menu bar at the left of this screen. Some are currently packaged as UNIX tarballs (files with .tar.gz extensions) but all will be packaged as zip files in future.

All releases include comprehensive unit test software and all jars necessary to run the tests. This means that each component release includes jars for any other XLattice components used. Each is also a source code release, except that protocol is accompanied by a stun+ binary release with the same version number.

Components Released with CryptoServer

For some time development effort was focused on the CryptoServer, a secure Web server being built from XLattice components. Like the component releases, the CryptoServer tarball includes all jars necessary to run it.

In addition to the components listed above, the CryptoServer uses:

overlay0.0.1 DataKeyed, NameKeyed key-based message routing
node0.0.4 reads configuration files, orchestrates node functions
httpd0.0.1 Web server (HTTP) functionality

At the time of writing, the source code in CVS for these components is the most recent source code.

For more specific information on the CryptoServer, see the CryptoServer development roadmap.

C++ Implementation

The discussion above relates to XLattice's Java implementation. C++ work is being handled separately. Further information will be available shortly, when a C++ tab will appear at the top of this page.